Visa Application Requirements for an Saudi Arabia Business Visa
You must provide your actual signed passport, including one copy of the personal information page of your passport. Your passport must:
Be valid for the next six months
Have at least two consecutive blank visa pages
Not be frayed, torn, separating, or altered in any other way
If your passport does not meet these requirements, please contact Travisa at 877-876-3266 for further details.
You must provide a photograph. Upload your photo and we will print it to the exact specifications required for this visa. Follow to upload your photo.
Alternatively, you may provide one color, passport-type photograph that meets the following strict criteria: be taken within the last three months against an all-white background and printed on high-quality photo paper; be two inches by two inches; provide the full frontal view of your head with your face centered in the middle and displaying a neutral (non-smiling) expression. You may not wear eyeglasses or headwear except for religious purposes. Your photo should not be affixed to your application and the photograph may not display evidence of adhesive tape or staples.
Business Cover Letter
You are required to provide an original Business Cover Letter from your U.S.-based company. Be certain your letter meets the specific requirements of the consulate by using our Digital Business Cover Letter. Visit to get started.
Additionally, the Business Cover Letter must:
Have your full name as it appears in your passport
Include your passport number
Display the job title and inviting company's name as shown on the letter of invitation
Visa Application Form
You must provide one fully completed copy of the visa application form found in this kit. The application form must:
Include answers for all fields
Display your full name as it appears in your passport
Be signed
Include your mobile phone number
Include your email address
Letter of Invitation
An original invitation, issued by the Foreign Ministry in Saudi Arabia is required. The organization you are visiting in Saudi Arabia is responsible for obtaining the invitation. The letter must:
Be addressed to the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington DC
Include the full local address and phone number of the organization or person to be visited
Request the same validity of visa as in the Business Introduction Letter
Specify the number of entries you are requesting for your visa
If your sponsoring organization in Saudi Arabia is obtaining the invitation on your behalf, please verify the following:
The invitation must be addressed to the Saudi Arabian consulate in Washington DC. If the city listed is different, your visa must be processed in that city and the requirements may vary. In this instance, Travisa can assist you, but you must contact us for further instructions.
The invitation must be signed and stamped by the Saudi Arabian Foreign Ministry or your sponsoring organization.
Note: If you are applying for a business visa to conduct a short-term work assignment and have been issued a letter of invitation that indicates "Short Term Work" as your travel purpose/intention, you can use it to satisfy this requirement.
Certificate of Business Registration
You must provide a copy of the business registration of the Saudi company inviting or sponsoring your trip. The copy must have a stamp or QR code of approval issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Additional Documents
You must provide a completed copy of the travel history form included in this kit.
Travisa Order Form
Provide the Travisa Order Form included in this kit.
Previous Visas
Previous issued visa travellers who currently have a valid visa must submit copy of previous valid visa and Cancelation letter addressed to Saudi Consulate in Washington DC stating a reason of request.
Notice on Saudi Laws and Regulations
You must provide one fully completed Notice on Saudi Laws and Regulations Form found in this kit.
Document Preparation Service
The Consulate of Saudi Arabia requires a visa application be completed according to strict guidelines. Make sure your documentation is accurately prepared. Simply provide answers to all of the fields in the optional Document Preparation Service form and a senior Travisa Specialist will work with you to ensure the required documents are prepared quickly according to government and consular requirements. Once your application is complete, we will return it to you via a secure and encrypted email keeping your personal information safe.
Urgent Applications
If you have an urgent visa application that carries a tight deadline, Travisa can help you to save valuable time and avoid expensive delays. A Travisa expert will review all of your documents to certify your application is accurate, complete and ready for submission. We will contact you personally to quickly handle any mistakes ensuring your application is submitted correctly. Visit to learn more about this service.
Fast Passport Renewal
Need your passport quickly? Travisa can renew your US passport in a day.