Get a Nigeria Visa

Visa Application Requirements for an Nigeria Business Visa

  1. Passport

    You must provide your actual signed passport, including one copy of the personal information page of your passport. Your passport must:
    • Be valid for the next six months
    • Have at least two blank facing visa pages, excluding endorsements and amendments pages.
    • Not be frayed, torn, separating, or altered in any other way

    If your passport does not meet these requirements, please contact Travisa at 877-876-3266 for further details.

  2. Photograph(s)

    You must provide photographs. Upload your photo and we will print it to the exact specifications required for this visa. Follow to upload your photo.


    Alternatively, you may provide two color, passport-type photographs that meets the following strict criteria: be taken within the last three months against an all-white background and printed on high-quality photo paper; be identical; be two inches by two inches; provide the full frontal view of your head with your face centered in the middle and displaying a neutral (non-smiling) expression. You may not wear eyeglasses or headwear except for religious purposes. Your photo should not be affixed to your application and the photograph may not display evidence of adhesive tape or staples.

  3. Business Cover Letter

    You are required to provide a Business Cover Letter from your U.S.-based company. Be certain your letter meets the specific requirements of the consulate by using our Digital Business Cover Letter. Visit to get started.

  4. Visa Application Form

    One fully completed visa application form is required. Travisa will assist you with the visa application form.

  5. Letter of Invitation

    You must obtain a letter of invitation. The organization you will be visiting is responsible for providing the invitation. A copy is acceptable. This letter must:
    • Be written on company letterhead
    • Include the full local address and phone number of the organization or person to be visited
    • Request the same visa validity as in the Introduction Letter
    • Specify the number of entries you are requesting for your visa
    • Be addressed to:
      Embassy of Nigeria
      3519 International Court, NW
      Washington, DC 20008
  6. Proof of Travel Arrangements

    You must provide proof of travel arrangements for the duration of your trip. Details of your intended arrangements must:
    • Include a copy of an itinerary or e-ticket that displays your round trip travel and entry and exit dates for your destination
    • Show the traveler's full name (as printed in your passport)
    • Include a confirmation of your hotel accommodations

Visa Application Requirements for an Nigeria Tourist Visa

  1. Personal Appearance

    The consulate requires you to make a personal appearance to obtain your visa. For this reason Travisa is unable to assist you with your visa application. We recommend that you contact the consulate directly to obtain the most current forms and requirements before making your personal appearance at:

    Embassy of Nigeria
    3519 International Court, NW
    Washington, DC 20008
    Tel: (202) 800 7201

    It is important to note that most consulates and embassies are only open to the public during the morning hours. Please take these hours into consideration when contacting the consulate about your visa application.

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